Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Attractions in North Sumatra.

Provincial capital in Medan has a lot of interesting attractions. In the province directly adjacent Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, West Sumatra and Riau province, there are attractions which are well known to foreign countries, such as Lake Toba. Here are sights that can be visited in the province of North Sumatra:

Lake Toba and Samosir Island 
[Lake Toba] 
Lake Toba and Samosir IslandLake Toba is the largest lake in the world number 2. In the middle of Lake Toba there is Samosir Island. Lake Toba is located about 176 kilometers from the city of Medan. The scenery on the lake is very beautiful, it feels incomplete when the North Sumatra without visiting this attraction. 
Sipiso-piso Waterfall
[Sipiso-piso waterfall] 
Sipiso-piso WaterfallWhat waterfall is located not far from Lake Toba. Named Siposo-piso because when viewed from a distance looks like a knife. This waterfall has a height of 120 meters. This waterfall comes from underground streams coming out of a cave beside the crater of Lake Toba. 
Niagara-gura Sigura
[Sigura-gura waterfall] 
 Niagara-gura SiguraAs well as Sipiso-piso waterfall, Niagara-gura Sigura also located not far from Lake Toba. This waterfall is the highest waterfall in Indonesia with an altitude of 250 meters. This waterfall is also used as a Hydroelectric Power Plant (HEPP). 
Bukit Lawang
[Hill mace]Bukit LawangThis attraction is located in District Bahorok, Langkat regency, North Sumatra. In this area there are Bukit Lawang Gunung Leuser National Park is famous. Views of lush green trees and cool air is characteristic of this attraction. In addition, visitors can see Orang Utan are located in this area. 
Mount Sibayak

[Mountain Sibayak]Mount SibayakMount Sibayak were Karo highlands. Sibayak mountain has an altitude of 2094 meters above sea level. The mountain is not too difficult to climb even a beginner can climb this mountain. From the top of the mountain we could see the view from a distance of Medan. 
Waterfall Two Colors
[Two waterfalls colors 
Waterfall Two ColorsThis waterfall is in Sibolangit, Deli Serdang regency. As the name implies, this waterfall is unique in terms of color. The water coming down from the light blue, while the water being stored under a white to gray in color, because the content of phosphorus and sulfur. Visitors are allowed to drink tidk this waterfall. 
Beaches Lagundri
[Beach Lagundri]Beaches LagundriLagundri beach located in South Nias regency, North Sumatra. The beach is very well known by the world-class professional surfers. The waves at this beach can reach 7-10 meters. On the beach is also often used as an international surfing championships.

Sorake Beach

[Sorake Beach]
Sorake BeachSorake Beach is located adjacent to the beach Lagundri. As with Lagundri, Sorake Beach is also a paradise for surfers because the waves were big and rolling.

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