Sightseeing is also Icon of South Sumatra is the bridge located in Palembang, South Sumatra provincial capital. However Travelers can also visit other tourist attractions located in the province of South Sumatra tourist places are like interesting holiday in South Sumatra.Temam Waterfall
"Attraction in southern Sumatra"
Temam Waterfall South Sumatra
Place Temam Waterfall Nature Lubuk Linggau South Sumatra ketinggian12 m and width 25 m. The location is surrounded by natural rocks and trees are green with the environment unspoiled nature. This attraction is located 11 km to the south of the city center Lubuk Linggau, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra Province. Lubuk Linggau itself is within 6.5 hours travel by vehicle from Palembang. As another alternative, the city can also be reached via Bengkulu and is about 4 hours drive from Bengkulu.Niagara Falls itself is located ± 50 m from the shaft that connects the Water Village and Village Temam Rahma. For tourists who will visit the region takes ± 30 minutes from downtown Lubuklinggau.Angel Falls
"Holiday to south Sumatra"
Lahat Angel Falls in South Sumatra
Attractions: Angel Falls is located in the village of Karang In, excl. Pulau Pinang, Lahat, Sumatra Selatan.Di called Angel Falls in Niagara said this a common Angel Mandi. To enjoy the Falls is not difficult, from Lahat City is 16 miles or 231 km from Palembang.Di vicinity of Angel Falls, there are 3 more that Niagara Falls Single Girl with a height of about 4 m, Niagara chippy with a height of about 35 m and Dragons Waterfall with a height of about 10 m that can be enjoyed by the flow of water down to the bottom of Angel Falls Waterfall Dragon.
Attractions: Angel Falls is located in the village of Karang In, excl. Pulau Pinang, Lahat, Sumatra Selatan.Di called Angel Falls in Niagara said this a common Angel Mandi. To enjoy the Falls is not difficult, from Lahat City is 16 miles or 231 km from Palembang.Di vicinity of Angel Falls, there are 3 more that Niagara Falls Single Girl with a height of about 4 m, Niagara chippy with a height of about 35 m and Dragons Waterfall with a height of about 10 m that can be enjoyed by the flow of water down to the bottom of Angel Falls Waterfall Dragon.
"South Sumatran tourist sites"
Ampera Bridge Musi River
The bridge is a bridge community pride Palembang, South Sumatra, and a Trade Mark for the city of Palembang. The existence of the bridge is crucial for connecting the gut and ilir so transportation becomes smooth and automatic also facilitate the economic. This bridge has a length of 1177 meters with a width of 22 meterJembatan Ampera is a gift to the community Bung Karno Palembang with funds drawn from war appropriation funds Jepang.Peresmian made use of the bridge in 1965, precisely on September 30, 1965 By Letjend Ahmad Yani (afternoon Mr. Yani Round and dawn October 1, 65 to Victim G.30 S PKI), once confirmed Bung Karno name as the name of a bridge. However, after the political upheaval in 1966, when the anti-Soekarno very strong, name of the bridge that was converted into a bridge. but people would rather call palembang this bridge as "Musi Project".
The bridge is a bridge community pride Palembang, South Sumatra, and a Trade Mark for the city of Palembang. The existence of the bridge is crucial for connecting the gut and ilir so transportation becomes smooth and automatic also facilitate the economic. This bridge has a length of 1177 meters with a width of 22 meterJembatan Ampera is a gift to the community Bung Karno Palembang with funds drawn from war appropriation funds Jepang.Peresmian made use of the bridge in 1965, precisely on September 30, 1965 By Letjend Ahmad Yani (afternoon Mr. Yani Round and dawn October 1, 65 to Victim G.30 S PKI), once confirmed Bung Karno name as the name of a bridge. However, after the political upheaval in 1966, when the anti-Soekarno very strong, name of the bridge that was converted into a bridge. but people would rather call palembang this bridge as "Musi Project".
In the beginning, the middle body of this bridge can be raised to the top of the mast so that the body does not get caught passing underneath the bridge. The middle of the bridge can be removed with mechanical equipment, two each pendulum weights about 500 tons in the two towers. Appointment speeds around 10 meters per minute with a total time required for full lift bridge for 30 minutes.At the center of the bridge removed, the vessel with the width of 60 meters and a maximum height of 44.50 meters, can pass the River Musi. When the center of the bridge is not raised, the maximum speed boats can pass under the bridge is only nine feet of water surface sungai.Sejak 1970, the bridge is no longer fluctuate. The reason, the time is used to lift the bridge, which is about 30 minutes, is considered disturbing the flow of traffic between Seberang Ulu and Seberang Ilir, two areas separated by Palembang Musi River.Another reason because there is no large ships can sail in Musi River. Superficiality that has exacerbated the cause of the Musi River is not navigable ship large. Until now, the Musi River it continues to silting.Manna River
"Attraction in Indonesia"

Manna River South Sumatra
Manna River in the District Tanjungsakti Lahat regency, about 40 km from the city Pagaralam, Manna River which divides the southern part of Bengkulu province is located in the upstream part of Sumatra Selata.Sungai have varying difficulty levels, the state of the river is quite wide at the beginning, while along 15 Km following are the narrow path and the current heavy rumble, so it is quite challenging for river rafting sports fans. A river rafting in the form of highly fault (hole) with a rock wall on the outskirts padas river, as well as the current situation at the end of the rapids that make up the basin and flow turning. River rafting Manna have trouble maximum category-IV grade. The natural beauty in the form of the cliffs on either side of the river offers the natural beauty of the tropical rain forest that is very intriguing.Location Jeram Manna early start in the District Tanjungsakti Lahat regency, about 40 km from the city Pagaralam.Waterfall Bedegung
"Sumatran tourist sites in the south"
Manna River in the District Tanjungsakti Lahat regency, about 40 km from the city Pagaralam, Manna River which divides the southern part of Bengkulu province is located in the upstream part of Sumatra Selata.Sungai have varying difficulty levels, the state of the river is quite wide at the beginning, while along 15 Km following are the narrow path and the current heavy rumble, so it is quite challenging for river rafting sports fans. A river rafting in the form of highly fault (hole) with a rock wall on the outskirts padas river, as well as the current situation at the end of the rapids that make up the basin and flow turning. River rafting Manna have trouble maximum category-IV grade. The natural beauty in the form of the cliffs on either side of the river offers the natural beauty of the tropical rain forest that is very intriguing.Location Jeram Manna early start in the District Tanjungsakti Lahat regency, about 40 km from the city Pagaralam.Waterfall Bedegung
"Sumatran tourist sites in the south"

Bedegung Falls South Sumatran
This waterfall is located near the village of Bedegung, Tanjung District Court, about 56 miles south of Muara Enim. Spring water at the crack of Bukit Barisan and down to form a small river rapids. Curup Bedegung handalan a natural tourist attraction area.To facilitate the visitors approached the falls, available path built along 600 meters on the banks of the river and a bridge over a rushing creek that. While on the river available parking lot, food stalls providing food and drink. And slightly downstream, there is a natural baths and fishing, complete with amenities.Natural waterfall is a place of recreation that provides coolness to visitors because of wind gusts that carry water droplets. Natural setting of the surrounding mountains is really impressive.Bumi Ayu Temple
This waterfall is located near the village of Bedegung, Tanjung District Court, about 56 miles south of Muara Enim. Spring water at the crack of Bukit Barisan and down to form a small river rapids. Curup Bedegung handalan a natural tourist attraction area.To facilitate the visitors approached the falls, available path built along 600 meters on the banks of the river and a bridge over a rushing creek that. While on the river available parking lot, food stalls providing food and drink. And slightly downstream, there is a natural baths and fishing, complete with amenities.Natural waterfall is a place of recreation that provides coolness to visitors because of wind gusts that carry water droplets. Natural setting of the surrounding mountains is really impressive.Bumi Ayu Temple
"Temple of the earth attraction ayu southern Sumatra

"Candi Bumi Ayu South Sumatra
Attractions: The temple is situated in the village of Bumi Ayu Bumiayu Tanah Abang Subdistrict. This temple is the only temple complex in South Sumatra, until now no less than 9 pieces temple have been discovered and four of them have been restored, the Temple 1, Temple 2, 3 Temple and Temple 8. This preservation effort started in 1990 until now, supported by state funds. Nevertheless, the role of the Government of the District of Muara Enim quite large, such as Roads, Land Acquisition and Development Field Museum Buildings. Bumiayu enshrinement covers a land area of 75.56 hectares, with the outer limit of the form 7 (seven) pieces of river trenches partly already experiencing siltation. Land already owned by the Government of the District of Muara Enim area of 6.50 hectares, 69.06 hectares remaining still dominated by the public. The land consists of residential communities, rubber plantations, orange groves, village land and marshes. In accordance with the Master Plan Study Preservation Site Bumiayu South Sumatra in 1996/1997 conducted by the Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture. Gradually the land will be released, since the land is an Archaeological Site. Bumi Ayu Temple at the moment still in the process of assessment and restoration, so not much information is known, while the written information from the temple is still in the process understood by Archeological Assessment Team South Sumatra Province.
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