Thursday, February 7, 2013


Here I will try to write a brief history of the origin of Lake Toba
Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with an area of ​​100 km x 30 km in North Sumatra, Indonesia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island.

Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in
North Sumatra in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists.

Estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago and an eruption Supervolcano (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed out the mountain as much as 2800 km3, with 800 km3 and 2000 km3 of rock overlies volcanic ash are expected in the wind to the west for 2 weeks.

Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from china to south africa. Explosion occurred during 1 week and throw the dust up to 10 KM above sea level. This incident caused mass death and in the ultiple species also followed extinction. According to some DNA evidence, this eruption also reduced the number of people to about 60% of the total human population of the earth at that time which is about 60 million people. The eruption also caused the ice ages, alaupun experts are still debating about it. After the eruption, the caldera formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure upward by magma that has not come out cause the emergence of Samosir Island.
The Origin of Lake Toba Indeed
Lake Toba was actually derived from a gigantic volcanic eruptions (Supervolcano) that occurred 73 thousand years ago. Toba eruption is the third, the two previous eruptions have happened in a period of 1 million years. The Toba eruption that created Lake Toba is now estimated to have an index of Volcanic Explosion 8 (Mega Colossal) such that form a complex crater measuring 3 thousand sq. km. Eruptive volume is estimated at between two thousand to three thousand cubic km of magma and the 800 km cubic terendapkan as volcanic ash. Explosion is twice the size of the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815. The eruption of Mount Tambora time generating enough "Year Without a Summer" in the northern hemisphere.

According to Alan Robock, the Toba eruption did not trigger an ice age. Research that analyzes the 6 billion tons of emissions of sulfur dioxide in the simulation shows a maximum global cooling around 15 ° C, three years after the eruption. This means that the line of trees and the snow around 3000 feet lower than now. In recent decades, the climate recovered.

Although there are many different opinions and methods, scientists agree that the Toba super-eruption resulted in ash layers are very thick and the inclusion of toxic gases into atmofer, thus affecting the world's climate period. Some suspect this event triggers an ice age that occurred 1000 years later.

Telling the true Origin of Lake Toba in Children

Science has now advanced enough to know the origin of Lake Toba true. And the story's origin was much more impressive, far more impressive than just a fairy tale. Why teach a fairy tale while science has provided a better explanation of the origin of another spectacular Lake Toba? It seems most of us still do not know about the origin of Lake Toba. And if they do know, they do not know how to communicate scientific facts to children. Here we offer a more spectacular children's story, based on real facts, regarding the origin of Lake Toba.

Once upon a time in the day, There was a hunter who lived in a meadow. He is our ancestor. Their daily work is hunted morning, back to hanging out with his family in the evening.

A new sun goes down at the time. The hunter playing with his wife and children. Another group member starting a fire. Suddenly they were startled by a roar from the sky.
The remaining fracture Map of Lake Toba eruption
At midnight, there was something that came from the sky. Strange rain. Ash. The hunter and his group must leave the place and look for a new place. Abu kept pouring. The hunter and his family tried to west, away from the origin of the ashes. Once a year they went west, they met with the jungle and high mountains. This area is malignant. Although many game animals, but more often the hunters who are eaten by animals. Chiefs decided that the group went to the north and avoid the dense forest in the west.

Thus arose the remaining hunters to the north. In the north they found many food sources, even though the weather was very cold. Animals which are not able to survive in the cold weather and therefore can be easily hunted ensure continuity of the group.

At the end of the ancestors came to a strait. Across the strait no land. Although the same as here, but maybe there is something new in there. The animals here increasingly scarce and increasingly dry climate. So the ancestors made the boat to cross the strait.

Across the strait is an area that was not better than the origin of the ancestors. Here dry, sand and ash everywhere. The ancestors have walked on the beach so as not to get caught in the middle of the desert. They kept walking and walking.

At last they came to a strange world. Gray world, full of ash-covered everything. Seems better here than in the world of sand. Through deliberation, finally ancestors decided to enter the world of gray.

In this gray world, they met with the natives. Those same ancestors. Turns out they are another group who have first got here. They mingle and share stories. They also share the tricks and how to survive. Each member of the group knows how to make a fire because here night and day almost as dark. And without fire they can get lost in the woods.

Over time, dust is no longer down. The sun began to clear. The ancestors decided not to stay in the gray world are now starting to green. They plan to find a new place in the east. They returned adventuring. The number of ancestors very much, only a few people that go on. They are the brave who likes adventure. They penetrate the jungle and climb a high mountain. They met a lot of amazing things. From gems to unique animals. All the obstacles successfully passed, until the ancestor came to a strait.

The ancestors decided to cross the strait and arrive in the land of Sumatra. They walked on to the interior, and finally arrived at a lake. Lake Toba is a large and smoky. They looked at the extraordinary breadth of the lake. It runs beautifully. Ancestors of the most intelligent look at a small ash bursts on the outskirts of the lake. He realized that this is the source of a giant roar of their ancestors ever heard before. This is the reason why the ancestors began to evacuate in the past. This is the cause of our existence here. This is Lake Toba.

The ancients could not have arrived at its destination. And they live around Lake Toba. Time passed and the ancestors continue to breed. They are the ancestors of the tribe of Batak. Batak tribe born here, not long after the birth of Lake Toba. It could be said that the Toba Batak and are brothers. Lake Toba was born and invite ancestors to accompany him. Yes, it is a sign of the birth roar of Lake Toba. He came from a giant volcano eruption gray cast into space. That's the origin of Lake Toba.
Comparison with the eruption of Toba eruption more
What exactly do we Teach?

A lot of what we teach through the fairy on top of the problem rather than just a simple life, curses, magic, greed and loyalty. We're talking about how Lake Toba change human evolutionary history. It was a great relationship between lake Toba with all mankind.

The story above is a brief summary of the human migrations over tens of thousands of years, triggered by the Toba eruption. Toba eruption event is catastrophic doomsday for mankind ancestors at the time. From computer simulations, the global temperature is expected to drop about 10 degrees Celsius after the eruption. As a result, in the past ten years occurred in Earth's volcanic winter.

The eruption of Toba gave so much ash in the atmosphere. Closed sunlight and water vapor absorbed into it. In other words, winter is going to be dry. The trees were drastically reduced, as well as pasture and make many extinct mammals and nearly complete history of human evolution.
A Male Homo sapiens early
The world becomes a dark, cool and dry for almost twenty years. It is difficult for humans to survive. The principle of evolution says beradaptasilah or you're extinct.

Areas covered include volcanic ash Sumatra, West Java, Kalimantan Western Hemisphere, East Asia and South Asia. This area of ​​the tropics so it is difficult to find a hominid skeleton that gives clues about the lives of our ancestors at that time. Humid tropical environment makes rapid bone crushed before being fossilized. Even so, in the border areas such as southern and eastern Africa, archaeological evidence suggests the existence of a major technological change in that period. An indication of the adaptations made by our ancestors in order to survive. If early humans in Africa that are not covered ash adapt, especially in the area covered by dust, such as India, South Asia.

How big is the adaptations made our ancestors as it depends on what kind of people in Africa or India. Modern man, the real ancestors, not to mention living in Asia period. They came from Africa to Asia 60 thousand years ago, while the Toba eruption occurred 73 thousand years ago.

Early humans living in Asia when the eruption of Toba was Homo erectus. They've lived there for at least a million years, as the evidence of fossils and other Sangiran in Java.

Even so, modern humans apparently already in Israel at 130 thousand years ago and then in Arabic to 85 thousand years ago, based on fossils from Jebel Faya. Our ancestors through two driveways, on the northern tip of the mainland Red Sea and in the southern end of the Red Sea. Both of these areas closer to the parameters of the eruption of Mount Toba ash land bordering on Pakistan. Unfortunately there is no sufficient evidence to show that modern humans evolved in this area of ​​technology to adapt as our ancestors in Eastern and Southern Africa.

When modern humans even exist in the perimeter of the lake Toba eruption in this period, such as India, for example, the technology will grow even more. Or maybe they are destroyed and replaced by our ancestors who are also their ancestors, who came in second wave after the eruption. Modern human populations remaining after the Toba catastrophe can mingle with their new arrivals and adopt their technology. Or perhaps an ancestor of the second wave (H. sapiens) destroys native (H. sapiens) and then also destroy Homo erectus more original again, such as those living in Java. And initiate the human power in South Asia and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

There are still a lot of homework that can be done about the scientists of modern human migration paths before and after the Toba catastrophe. Whatever it is, the Toba catastrophe obviously give great meaning to our evolutionary history. It could be that he was the cause of our present existence in Indonesia. Therefore, the origin of scientific fact Toba Lake is much more valuable than the fabled origin of Lake Toba.

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